Consumer Health Data Privacy Policy

Last updated: September 16, 2024

This Consumer Health Data Privacy Policy (“CHDPP”) supplements FOLX Health, Inc.’s Privacy Policy and is effective March 31, 2024. The Privacy Policy describes personal information that we collect and the sources from which we collect it. Capitalized terms used but not defined in this CHDPP shall have the meaning in the Privacy Policy.

This CHDPP is required by consumer health data laws enacted in Washington and Nevada and applies only to personal information that is considered “Consumer Health Data” under those laws. This CHDPP does not address or apply to information or practices that are not subject to these laws. This CHDPP provides additional terms that apply to residents of Washington and Nevada. In the event of a conflict between this CHDPP and our Privacy Policy, this CHDPP shall take precedence for Washington and Nevada residents with regard to Consumer Health Data. 

Collection and Use of Consumer Health Data

The Consumer Health Data we collect depends on the context of your interactions with us and, in most cases, the information that you decide to share with us. Depending on applicable law and how you interact with FOLX Health, we may collect the following categories of Consumer Health Data (for example, when you obtain the Service through the Platform): 

  • Individual health conditions, treatment, diseases, or diagnosis
  • Social, psychological, behavioral, and medical interventions
  • Health-related surgeries or procedures
  • Use or purchase of prescribed, over the counter medications, and supplements
  • Bodily functions, vital signs, symptoms, or measurements of health information
  • Diagnoses or diagnostic testing, treatment, or medication
  • Gender-affirming care information
  • Reproductive or sexual health information
  • Biometric data
  • Genetic data
  • Precise location information that could reasonably indicate your attempt to acquire or receive health services or supplies
  • Data that identifies a consumer seeking health care services
  • Other information that may be used to infer, derive, or extrapolate data related to the above or other health information

This Consumer Health Data may be collected through your use of our Service or Platform or in connection with you seeking healthcare services accessible through our membership. 

This Consumer Health Data may be combined with identifiable information that we passively and automatically collect about you when you visit our Website or Platform such as your IP address, device ID, or unique advertising IDs, and personal information that you may actively provide to us when interacting with our Service or Platform.

We may collect and use Consumer Health Data for the purposes outlined in the “How Information Is Collected” and “Use of Information” sections in our Privacy Policy and consistent with applicable law. We will process Consumer Health Data in accordance with our policies and procedures. 

Sources of Consumer Health Data

The Consumer Health Data we collect depends on the context of your interactions with our Service and Platform and, in most cases, is information that you directly decide to share with us. 

As described further in our Privacy Policy, these sources further include: 

  • You and sources authorized to provide Consumer Health Data on your behalf
  • Your interactions with our Service and Platform
  • Your personal devices
  • Third parties that provide access to information you make available, e.g., social media
  • Our business and marketing partners, who provide us with information about consumers who are viewing our content across websites or apps or selecting our Service or Platform
  • From third-party sources, e.g., market research companies conducting non-clinical research
  • From publicly available sources

We also may collect and use additional categories of Consumer Health Data that are not in this CHDPP as consented by you.

How Consumer Health Data May be Shared

We may share the categories of Consumer Health Data described above as described in the “Disclosure of Information” section of our Privacy Policy and consistent with applicable law and to the following affiliated practice groups that perform clinical services for business and operational purposes and to support your care and treatment: Ampersex. VA PC, Marsha Medical Group, P.A., Marsha Medical Group of CA, P.C., Marsha Medical Group of Kansas, P.A., Marsha Medical Group of New Jersey, P.C., and AS Medical of New York, P.C.

In the event we process deidentified data, we agree to maintain and use deidentified data without attempting to reidentify a consumer except as permitted by law and will contractually obligate any recipients of such data to satisfy these criteria.

How to Exercise Your Rights Regarding Consumer Health Data

You may have certain rights to your Consumer Health Data under applicable state law (e.g., access or delete Consumer Health Data). These rights may vary depending on your state of residence. If you would like to exercise these rights, please visit or contact our Privacy Officer directly at

We may need to verify your identity in order to process your request. To confirm your identity, we may ask you to verify personal information we already have on file for you. If we cannot verify your identity based on the information we have on file, we may request additional information from you (such as government identification) in accordance with applicable law. We will only use such additional information to verify your identity and for security or fraud-prevention purposes.

You may also have the right to appeal the denial of any of these rights by submitting a form that will be provided to you if we deny a data request. Depending on your data choices, certain products or services may be limited or unavailable. For example, we need to collect certain Consumer Health Data in order to provide the Platform to you. If you request that any required Consumer Health Data be deleted or withdraw your consent for future collection or sharing of any required Consumer Health Data, we may not be able to provide the Service or Platform or certain features of the Service or Platform to you.


As our business changes, we may also update this CHDPP. You should check our Website frequently to see recent changes. If we make changes, we will notify you by updating the date at the top of this CHDPP and posting it on the Website or other appropriate means. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, any modifications to this CHDPP will be effective upon our posting the modified version (or as otherwise indicated at the time of posting), and your use of our products or services following these changes means you accept the updated CHDPP.

If you have questions about this CHDPP, please contact our Privacy Officer directly at