8 Study Tips for People with ADHD

Learn ways to navigate ADHD while studying to help you stay focused and organized.

September 20, 2024
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When you have ADHD, studying can feel like a challenge, with distractions and time management often getting in the way.  You might sit down with the best intentions, only to get sidetracked by a million other things—whether it’s your phone, a sudden urge to clean, or just feeling overwhelmed by where to start. With the right strategies, it's possible to create a study routine that works with your brain, not against it. Whether you're tackling a new subject or preparing for an important exam, this guide offers practical, ADHD-friendly tips to help you stay focused, organized, and on top of your studies.

Tip #1: Give yourself extra time.

Ever notice how homework always takes longer than planned? With ADHD, we can underestimate how much time we’ll need. Build in extra time—think of it as a buffer. If you think that paper will take 2 hours, plan for 3. It’s all about avoiding the stress of last-minute crunches.

Tip #2: Interact with your material.

If it’s hard to focus on your study material, make it colorful! Highlight key vocabulary or concepts in bright colors, use rainbow-colored sticky notes, or even read out loud. Engaging with the material in multiple ways helps keep our ADHD brains tuned in.

Tip #3: Find your playlists.

A bit of background noise can be just what you need to stay focused. Studies have shown some people find silence helps them focus, but you might find that the right sounds keep your brain engaged and on track. Experiment with different playlists, white noise, nature sounds, or even some queer anthems to keep the energy up.

Tip #4: Create a break routine.

Ever stare at your to-do list, unsure where to start? Break your study time into chunks with built-in breaks. For example, 30 minutes on math, 10-minute stretch, then 30 minutes on history. Set timers on your phone or laptop to keep things flowing. You can also check out the Pomodoro method, which alternates 25-minute work timers with 5-minute breaks.

Tip #5: Create reminders.

Don’t rely on memory alone! Set alarms or calendar invites on your phone with specific labels like ‘Start English Essay.’ Visual reminders, like colorful sticky notes, are your friend too—place them where you’ll see them and change their spots so they don’t blend in. Need accountability? Find a friend who’ll check in and keep you on track.

Tip #6: Hydrate and snack wisely.

Keep your brain fueled! Hydrate regularly and choose snacks that give you a steady energy boost—think nuts, fruit, or a protein bar. Taking care of your body helps your mind stay sharp.

Tip #7: Stick to your medication routine.

If you’re on ADHD medication, stick to your routine. Consistency is key to keeping your focus on point. And don’t forget to check in with your healthcare provider regularly.

Tip #8: Get yourself a little treat.

Motivation can be tricky with ADHD, so give yourself rewards along the way. Finish a chapter? Take a break with your favorite snack or a quick scroll through social media. Just don’t forget to set a timer so you can jump back in!

Studying with ADHD can be challenging, but with the right approach, it’s possible to create routines that work with your brain’s natural flow. Whether it’s building in strategic breaks, staying hydrated, or setting reminders, these strategies can help you stay on track and reduce stress.


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