How Therapy Can Support You When Starting Gender-Affirming Hormone Therapy

Find out how therapy can help support your gender-affirming hormone therapy journey.

August 29, 2024
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Starting gender-affirming hormone therapy (GAHT, sometimes known as HRT) is exciting and a big step toward feeling more like your true self. But, like any change, it can come with a mix of emotions. Maybe you’re feeling a blend of excitement, nerves, and a little bit of “what’s next?” It’s totally normal to feel this way—this is a huge change that impacts you and many parts of your life.

That’s where therapy comes in. Think of it as a place to build your emotional toolkit, ready to help you navigate all the ups, downs, and in-betweens of this journey. Therapy isn’t just about working through tough stuff (though it’s great for that too!); it’s also a space where you can celebrate your milestones, explore your feelings, and build a strong foundation for the road ahead. It’s great for getting to know yourself better and thinking through what you really want your life and relationships to be like.

In this article, we’ll dive into how therapy can support you through your transition and make sure you have all the tools you need to thrive! 

Here are some ways your therapist can help:

Making the Decision

If you’re still deciding whether or not to start testosterone or estrogen GAHT, that’s okay! You may still be gathering information and weighing the pros and cons. You might be wondering if GAHT is the right step for you and how it might help with your goals or address your gender dysphoria. Your therapist can be a valuable guide during this decision-making process. They can help you explore your thoughts and feelings, provide you with the space to consider all your options, and support you in figuring out what’s best for you. Your therapist can also help you talk through a wide range of medical and non-medical gender-affirming interventions that could be right for you in your transition journey, whether or not you decide to start GAHT.

Some trans, nonbinary, and gender diverse people never choose GAHT as part of their transition, some decide it’s not for now but maybe later, some people decide to microdose, and some people go on and off over their journey. There is no one way to approach gender or hormone therapy, and our therapists understand that and will never judge your path or expect you to fit a specific approach.

Emotional Changes

Hormones can bring about all kinds of feelings—some expected, some surprising. You might find yourself experiencing new emotions or feeling emotions more intensely than before. It’s all part of the process, but it can be a lot to handle on your own. You may feel like you need to cry more, or perhaps you find that you can’t cry at all anymore. You may also find yourself feeling more irritable or overwhelmed at moments. You can talk to your therapist about these changes or about how you’ve been feeling lately. They can even help you notice these new or more intense feelings, giving you tools to help you better understand, cope, and work through them to really get in touch with yourself and your body.

Building a Support Network

Having people around who understand and cheer you on is incredibly important. We know not everyone has a built-in support system. Maybe you’re only out to a select few people in your life, or perhaps you don’t have any other trans folks who might get what you’re going through. Your therapist can not only be a key person in your support network, but they can help you find community at FOLX through our Community Platform where you can join support groups, chat with other members, find resources, and so much more. They can also help you talk through any challenges you experience making friends and building new connections, or exploring how the relationships in your life that you have in-person or online can further support you through your transition. 

Navigating Relationships

Starting GAHT can bring changes not just for you but also for the people around you. Navigating the relationships in your life could become more challenging but could also become more fulfilling as you become more confident and comfortable with yourself. Your therapist can help guide you through what you want to share, when, and with whom, whether it be with professional, platonic, or romantic relationships. You can talk through setting boundaries that feel right for you or implement strategies that can help you stay connected or increase acceptance and support.

Addressing Fears and Concerns

It’s totally normal to have questions, fears, or concerns when starting GAHT. Maybe you’re worried about how the changes will feel or how long it will take to see results. Perhaps you’ve heard conflicting information or have questions about what to expect. Uncertainty can be one of the toughest things to deal with, especially when it feels like there are so many variables outside of your control. Whether it’s learning to stay present, practicing mindfulness, or developing coping strategies, your therapist can help you find ways to navigate these feelings as you work toward your life and gender affirmation goals, all while supporting you to keep anxiety in check.

Strengthening Self-Advocacy

If you’re just starting your transition, there will be things that you may have to plan for and deal with before, such as navigating medical appointments or social situations with your new gender identity or name. Your therapist can help you gain the confidence to advocate for yourself in unfamiliar or intimidating settings. You may also be navigating sharing aspects of your gender or social transition with coworkers, friends, and family, handling questions, or having hard conversations. These are all things you can discuss in therapy, and your therapist can be someone to bounce ideas off of, practice conversations with, or just listen as you work through the emotions surrounding these situations.

Enhancing Self-Compassion and Resilience

Coming to the decision to start GAHT is a deeply personal journey, and along the way, it’s easy to be hard on yourself or critical of parts of your journey. Developing self-compassion is crucial to navigating this process with patience, kindness, and acceptance. Therapy can help you foster that self-love, especially when negative self-talk or internalized transphobia tries to creep in. Your therapist can guide you through techniques to embrace who you are, encouraging you to treat yourself with the same care and understanding you’d offer a close friend.

Resilience is equally important as you navigate this big change. Life can throw challenges your way, especially societal ones, and building resilience helps you stay strong in the face of adversity. Whether it’s handling negative reactions from others, dealing with discrimination, or simply staying mentally grounded during tough times, there are tools you can use to help.

Maintaining Mental Health Throughout Your Transition

Starting gender-affirming hormone therapy is just one part of the process! You will notice how things continue to change throughout the years, and you might be interested in other ways to manage or alleviate gender dysphoria, such as gender-affirming surgeries or voice and communication therapy. It’s important to recognize that each of these steps and new things can also be opportunities to celebrate your milestones. Your therapist can help you honor those milestones, encouraging you to reflect on how far you’ve come and the strength it’s taken to get here. Celebrating these moments not only boosts your self-confidence but also reinforces the positive impact of your journey.

In Summary

Starting gender-affirming hormone therapy is an exciting and very individualized journey, and therapy can help support you through it. Whether you’re working through emotions, tackling fears, or building resilience, therapy is a space to go where you know you will be supported and empowered as you navigate this important chapter in your life. It’s not just about getting through the tough stuff—it’s also about celebrating your wins and making sure you’re feeling good mentally and emotionally throughout your transition.

If you’re thinking about or already on your GAHT path, why not add therapy to your care? Our therapists are expert, affirming, and all part of the LGBTQIA+ community themselves. See how we can help you feel empowered, confident, and ready to tackle your goals or take on whatever comes your way.


FOLX Health is the first digital healthcare company designed by and for the LGBTQIA+ community. Our services include primary care, gender-affirming hormone therapy including estrogen and testosterone (HRT), mental health care, sexual and reproductive health care, and fertility consultations. FOLX memberships give you access to LGBTQIA+ expert clinicians, peer support, thousands of LGBTQIA+ resources, and more. Whether you’re lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, gender non-conforming, nonbinary, or another identity, you can find LGBTQ-specialized health care that helps you meet your wellness goals. Get all the benefits of becoming a FOLX member and sign up today!